About Tyler

Early Life

I grew up in Littleton. At the age of 7, I was adopted by the Linnebur family after experiencing several challenging years. I experienced firsthand the pain of hunger and poverty, which inspires me everyday to empower my community, ensuring others do not endure what I did. The Linneburs have resided in Eastern Colorado for over 100 years, with many family members still living in the Byers area of Eastern Arapahoe County. I am proud to come from a family that values integrity, hard work, and compassion.

Community Engagement

Throughout my life, I have been deeply involved in my community through various volunteer efforts and leadership roles. Growing up in Littleton, I actively participated in church activities, including feeding homeless families, volunteering at soup kitchens, and assisting at the Santa Shop for Christmas toys. As a Boy Scout, I engaged in community projects like trash cleanups, trail repairs, and improving sprinkler systems.

While I attended the University of Denver, I was involved in student organizations and founded a mentorship program in the Student Government, which paired seniors with freshmen in the business school, attracting over 100 participants in its first year. Post-graduation, I volunteered with the American Conservation Coalition, organizing trash cleanups, tree plantings, and farm volunteer days, and testified before the Colorado State Senate for nuclear energy as a clean resource.

I currently contribute articles as a fellow with ConservAmerica and remain dedicated to my church, volunteering with young adult and middle school programs. I also participated in a mission trip to Juarez, Mexico, to help build a home for a family. As a member of the Emerging Leaders Council of the Steamboat Institute, I write op-eds, engage in debates, and attend policy summits. Additionally, I serve as the treasurer for the Colorado Federation of Young Republicans.

My lifelong commitment to service, leadership, and advocacy has prepared me to effectively serve as County Commissioner, ensuring responsible management and positive community impact.


I began my career as an auditor at ACM, now BDO, where I audited the financial statements of small and medium-sized businesses. The COVID-19 pandemic was a challenging time for many, and in 2020, I was laid off due to the economic downturn and resulting cash crunch at ACM. Despite the difficulties of job hunting during the pandemic, I secured a role as an accountant at the National Environmental Health Association, a non-profit organization.

One silver lining of that period was earning my Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license from the State of Colorado. Following this achievement, I returned to the auditing field, first with EY, where I audited larger corporations, and later with CLA, where I focused on state and local government audits.

My professional journey has instilled in me a deep commitment to financial accuracy and integrity. These qualities are essential, especially as our county faces financial challenges. I am dedicated to financial stewardship and will ensure the responsible management of our county’s resources, bringing my expertise and commitment to serve our community effectively.



First as an Eagle Scout and later as an auditor, I have dedicated my life to maintaining integrity in all my endeavors. Whether it is the work I produce or the interactions I have, I am firmly committed to expressing the truth. Trust is the foundation of any functioning society, and it is critical that our citizens trust their government to use their taxes responsibly and to be honest in their dealings with the public. I will prioritize transparency and responsible governance, ensuring that all actions align with the values of honesty and high moral character. My commitment to efficient and honest governance will foster strong relationships with both citizens and officials, enabling me to serve Arapahoe County effectively.


From an early age, I learned the importance of perseverance and hard work. Left alone frequently by my biological mother, I had to learn to take care of myself and my younger brother, Caleb. This taught me that giving up was not an option; our well-being depended on my determination. I have carried this lesson into every aspect of my life. Through hard work and perseverance, I earned the rank of Eagle Scout, became the first in my family to attend college, achieving both a bachelor’s and a graduate degree, obtained my CPA license, and successfully contributed to various community projects. These experiences have shaped my commitment to hard work and dedication, driving me to continually strive for excellence in everything I do. As your County Commissioner, I will bring this same work ethic and determination to serve our community and address its needs effectively.


Service is a vital and fulfilling part of my life. Last summer, I was deeply moved when our church group gifted a new home to a young mother in Juarez, Mexico. Witnessing her joy and gratitude brought tears to my eyes, as I once knew the pain of having no home and understood her relief at having a secure place to live. As a community member, I believe it is our responsibility to support each other, with aid coming from within our community—through churches, synagogues, rotary clubs, book clubs, cycle clubs, and many others—rather than solely relying on government assistance. Many in our community struggle with homelessness, substance abuse, mental health issues, and food insecurity. As County Commissioner, my priority will be to empower local leaders and organizations to uplift those in need and to drive economic prosperity in our county, ensuring we have the resources to address these pressing issues effectively.
